Once upon a time in Titahi Bay, there was a dopey digger driver. He drove his truck, with his digger on top, down a very steep bank across the road from the Campbells' house. Little did the dopey digger driver know that the bank was not only steep but very squidgy...His truck, with his digger on top, got stuck in the mud providing hours of entertainment for the residents of the Campbells quiet street. The dopey digger driver tried and tried to back his truck, with his digger on top and his coffee in his hand the whole time, up the bank but only succeeded in getting it more and more stuck.

Eventually, the dopey digger driver had to admit defeat and it wasn't long before two cranes drove up the Campbells' street and spent a long time lining up to try and pull the trucker, with the digger on top, out of the mud.

Just before lunch, they finally got the truck, with the digger on top, out of the mud. There was much cheering and jubilation from the residents of the Campbells' street. The dopey digger driver very sensibly decided to drive his truck, with his digger on top and his coffee still in hand, 100 metres up the street and use the brand spanking new concrete driveway to get down the steep bank. The residents of the Campbells' street wondered why he didn't do that in the first place...