January was filled with beach and pool expeditions and lots of time with friends.(Why Blogger has decided my text needs to be underlined is beyond me...)
Iris in the cool duck-shaped pool at the Marine Gardens in Raumati.

Jacob came nd stayed overnight with us while his parents made a lightning trip up to Napier. Phoebe enjoyed having an extra playmate around the next morning.

Here's our little petrol head - Phoebe LOVES going in the car and cries "CAR" pitieously at the door if one of us goes out without her. If we let her, this is where she'd sit.

At the Tawa pool for Thomas' 5th birthday party. Iris and Phoebe spent the whole time going UP and DOWN this slide. Neither of them was particularly impressed when we dragged them home.

At the beach with Ruthie, Gareth and Jacob.

We continued our regular Friday play group over the Christmas/New Year break by having it at our houses, instead of our regular venue of Ngati Toa School. This particular day was a scorcher and we spent all morning on our deck (mums and cups of tea) or back yard (kids and lots of energy).

This photo was taken moments before Olivia (in the hat) decided to get off while the seing was still moving. Result: broken arm and dinosaur cast for several weeks!

Feeding the ducks at Aotea Lagoon with Amanda and Devon.