Saturday, August 30, 2008
Lots of Lily
And let's not forget the baby! Lily is just shy of four months and is a delight, if I may say so myself. She sleeps, eats, smiles, sleeps, eats, babbles, sleeps, eats, smiles etc etc. She's very interested in Iris and Phoebe's antics (getting ready to join in, I'm sure). She happily fits in with the activities already on our busy schedule and has actually been awake at play groups, kindy gym and music for the last few sessions, having blissfully slept through all her previous visits. She's very keen on the idea of sitting but still needs a little help. Not so keen on tummy time - don't tell the Plunket nurse... For the last week, she's been happily sleeping in her own room, having made the transition from bassinet in mum and dad's room to cot in her own room. Think we're all sleeping better now. We just have to convince Phoebe that 6am is TOO EARLY!

Plenty of Phoebe
Next in line is Phoebe, our big two year old! She loved her animal-themed party and the trike she got ("just like Iris"!) Yet another chatterbox, she talks in complete sentences and makes her thoughts and needs very well known. Frequently used phrases are: "Look at me", "Go away Iris", "I want...", "Me come too" (usually when we drop Iris at kindy) "Cuddle me, Mummy" and "me cuddle Lily". She's growing like a weed and is not that much smaller than Iris (quite an achievement given that Iris' current height is off the top of the Plunket charts).
Birthday girl on her new bike and wearing her birthday "girt", a rainbow skirt from Granmarg.
Wearing Dad's slippers (rather brave, you wouldn't catch me putting these on;)
Enjoying Iris' first day of kindy. I wonder if the teachers would notice if I dropped Phoebe off with Iris...
It's all about Iris
Since we're playing catch up, I'll do a post for each Campbell girl, starting with Little Miss Kindy (aka the "big girl"). Iris is definitely a "kid" now, as opposed to a toddler. She's been going to kindy this term and to say she loves it would be a huge understatement. She never stops talking, meaning life in the Campbell household now has a constant running commentary (with an echo, thanks to Phoebe!) Iris' current favourite things are swimming, "ammals" (animals of any kind), yellow, riding her bike, Duplo, hassling Phoebe, cuddling Lily and stories (reading and listening). Still to come - pictures of Iris' new haircut.

Iris and Phoebe under the amazing quilt Iris got for her birthday from her Great Aunt Maureen. Details you can't see in the photo are the patches of fabric decorated with irises and the nursery rhymes around the edge. This is a firm favourite and gets used daily, on her bed and on the couch for DVDs.
At Karori Wildlife Sanctuary with Dad. They set out with high hopes of seeing lots of exciting native birds and came home having seen two ducks! A fun day, despite the kakas, kiwis and their mates hiding.
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