We headed out top Raumati South just after Christmas for lunch and a trip to the playground with Shirley, Heath, Briana and Hayley.

Iris and Hayley travelled in style.

Playing on trucks is accompanied by a brrrm, brrrm soundtrack.

Briana is the king of the castle.

Having kids is a balancing act, according to Heath.

Mums in the sun.

Running is the BEST mode of transport...

..except when your bike is handy (here Iris models the latest in biking accessories - the stripy, knitted helmet and velvet bag draped casually over her wrist really set this ensemble off).

We have enjoyed a few sunny days between the rainy ones...

We've discovered that Iris is a bit of a chip fiend. Here she is polishing off a bowl of lemon pepper wedges (which were very spicy!) and demonstrating the art of dipping.
Phocus on Phoebe (4 months)

Chilling out on the deck (literally - woolly jumpers in December!?)

Bracing herself for a trip to playgroup...

...which was so much fun, she couldn't stop squealing.

Having a drink with Scotty.

Her first taste of solids - talk about a hungry baby. She really lets you know if you're taking too long with the next spoonful.

She was enjoying the jolly jumper until big sister came along!

Out for lunch in the big smoke.

Rock and rolling - this baby is on the move!

Tuckered out and off to bed with all her bedtime pals.
1 comment:
Lovely pix! So nice having you all to stay during your January travels. Iris and Phoebe keep growing in gorgeousness and cleverness by the day! Much love
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