Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Thursday, April 12, 2007

When I am an old woman I shall wear purple, and a red hat that doesn't go and doesn't suit me...

We were privileged to be able to share in celebrating Sarah's Aunt Rosaleen's 60th birthday with hoards of her family and friends. It was lovely to introduce to Iris and Phoebe to their great aunts and uncles (all their great aunts were there and only one great uncle couldn't make it) and to catch up with cousins and their offspring. Rosaleen, we had a great time - thanks for inviting us and we'll see you in Wellington next time you're down (we'll be expecting outrageous purple and red outfits).

P.S. The three posts after this one all went up today too so keep scrolling down for more pictures.Four of the O'Donohue sisters in purple, with red hats that don't go - Rosaleen, Marie, Maureen and Eileen.
The five O'Donohue sisters on the 14th Ave stage - in age order this time, with Clare, the middle sister, there in spirit .The family photo - scary to think of all those cousins and their offspring in Australia, the UK, the USA and other parts of New Zealand who couldn't make it!
Iris and Sarah's cousin Paul's son, Ronan, whose almot three. Iris gets lots of comments on her beautiful blue eyes - Ronan must get just as many on his beautiful green eyes!
Frank taking a break from the festivities with his grandfather, Kerry.
Crystal entertains Ronan and Iris - she was such a big help looking after the littlies.

Emily and PHoebe, not sure what the expression on Phoebe's face means...
Rosaleen and her baby, Emily, with our baby.

Crystal, babysitter extraordinaire!
Rita and Chloe, the "littlest cousins".
Phoebe and her Great Auntie Laurette, who came all the way from Sydney.
Phoebe and Auntie Kate.


Anonymous said...

Glad you could come! A lot of fun had by all ... Since everyone left group by group, it has turned to winter in Tauranga. We were so lucky to have such a brilliant Easter. Much love

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah,
It's Ali (Alice), wife of your cousin Ayron. Hope you're well? Great pics from the bday. Ma-in-law Eileen will be very happy to see the photos.
We would've loved to see/meet the family, it was too soon after the birth of Lucas (3 months). Samuel is 3yrs.

Love Ali

travellingerina said...

Hi guys

Great pics. And I love the blog lay-out (thought I'd opened mine by mistake - the background and colours are exactly the same!).

The girls are gorgeous - and I can't believe how much Iris has grown! As much as I'm enjoying visiting new and exciting places, I'm really looking forward to moving back to Wellington and catching up with everyone. I'm sure Dec '08 will roll round before I know it!

all the best
cuzzy e (Erina that is)

Campbells said...

Ali: would have been lovely to meet you all and see Ayron again (think I was 12 the last time I saw him!). Next time! Eileen showed us a lovely photo of your gorgeous boys - hope all is going well with Lucas and that Samuel is enjoying being a big brother.

Erina: great minds think alike! Marie sent me your blog address - enjoyed checking out your photos. Looks like you're getting to see lots of different places. Will keep checking every now and again to see where you're up to.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a great time. Wish we could have been there. Can't belive all the new additions to the family! Iris looks more like Sarah the older she gets.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful photos Sarah and Josh

We are in Tauranga with Rosaleen for a couple of days and super to see all these reminders of a great birthday weekend!

Your little girls are so beautiful

Love to you all