We welcomed Lily Elena Campbell in to our famly on Sunday 11th May (Mother's day in NZ so very appropriate) at 7.16am. After a straightforward labour, she arrived in a big rush before Josh and Sandy, our midwife, could catch her! Luckily, she landed on the bed and vocally protested the indignity! She weighed in at 3.37 kilos (7.4 pounds) and has all the necessary fingers, toes and other bits. Blue eyes and lots of dark brown hair - definite resemblance to Josh more than Sarah so far. We've been warned to expect jaundice but there are no other issues and she's eating and sleeping like a champ.
Dad is tired but very proud. He started a new job last week so is back to work already, as the projects he's working on are all go, go, go! He's working for Business Porirua (the local Chamber of Commerce) and has a horrendous 2 minute commute;) Means he's close by to have lunch at home or be called on if needed at home.
Iris and Phoebe are very chuffed with their little sister. Iris kindly informs all guests on the right way to hold her and introduces her as Lily Delena. Phoebe calls her "Yiyi" and helpfully points out her "yittle nose" and "yittle hands" and other parts. Our first few days as a family of five have gone very smoothly, thanks to a great deal of help from Granmarg. Lily has been very settled since we got home and Iris and Phoebe have been taking it all in their strides.
Mum is fine - "easy" birth means quick recovery so am quickly feeling more like my real self (soooo relieved to be no longer pregnant!) Looking forward to getting to know this new daughter.
And now for a few pics of the star of the show...

Three very very beautiful children!! congratulations from another (but still small) bay family!
Fantastic news that all is going so well and lovely to see the gorgeous photos. Big hugs all round! Marie & Martin in Golden Bay
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