We had almost two weeks away in February and managed to fit in time in Taupo and Napier, as well as a full week at a holiday house in Gisborne. The girls both coped well with long drives and enjoyed beaches, hot pools, seeing family and friends and, of course, ice creams. Highlights included a ride on a steam train, the Morere Hot Springs, Jamie, Finn and Rose's trampoline and having the whole of De Brett's to ourselves for several hours!

Iris was very taken with the mosaic seat outside the Gisborne museum. It's full of quirky little touches and warranted very close inspection.
Iris and Phoebe were beside themselves with excitement when we headed out for a walk and stumbled on a steam train. Even more excitement ensued when we discovered we were just in time for a ride. The train is staffed by volunteers and makes trips on Sunday mornings from Gisborne to Muriwai, a round trip of a couple of hours including a stop for morning tea at Muriwai.

Last stop before we finally made it home to the Bay was the Brown Sugar Cafe in Taihape, where the girls enjoyed special "lunch bags" which came with "coffee" (aka fluffed up milk!). For those of you with young kids, if you're passing through Taihape, the lunch bags were a great idea - vegemite sandwiches, fruit, muesli bars and a little mini pack of chips plus the drink for $5.

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