Lilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Fourth Birthday tickers
Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

January fun

Ella and Iris "help" Josh put up the shade sail over the deck.
Chilling on the deck with Ruthie and Jacob (5 weeks old in this pic).
Poolside fun in Raumati South - Hayley and Iris work on filling it!
Picnic and stories at the Dell in the Botanic Garden.
More fun in the Dell with Frank and Edie.

Phoebe at Thomas Batman's 4th birthday party.
More birthday party fun - Iris and Billie, Batman's little sister.

Saturday, February 03, 2007

We're all going on a summer holiday...

We headed off in early January for our first family-of-four holiday (apart from short weekends away). We visited family in Auckland, Tauranga, Taupo and Napier and had a great time swimming, walking and just generally relaxing.Iris chilling out in Taupo.
Iris and Phoebe with their great grandmother, Rana.Iris and Rana at Cheltenham Beach.
Iris causing chaos at Maurice (great grandfather) and Dorothy's new house Phoebe checking out Maurice.Phoebe and Dorothy get to know each other.

Having a ball at the zoo.
Watching the lions being fed.
At Karekare Beach, near Piha.
Fish 'n' chips at Mission Bay.Iris and Rosaleen at Memorial Park in Tauranga.
Iris at a waterfront cafe in TaurangaPhoebe ready for actionIris and Emily (Sarah's cousin) in NapierPhoebe and Emily in Napier.Phoebe having dinner - she's taken to solids like a fish to water!

Cheeky kiwis

On New Year's Day, Sarah and Phoebe had a quiet day at home while Josh and Iris went on an adventure to the Mt Bruce Wildlife Centre in the Wairarapa.
Lunch on the road.
One of the many kaka (no photos of the kiwi - flash photography not permitted)

The girls were very happy to see each other after a whole day apart!