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Wednesday, December 19, 2007

It's a...

...busy time for us. We've had Christmas shopping to do, Santa to visit, visits to the beach to be made and time in the sun to be had (although the sun has temporarily disappeared - Iris looks on the bright side: rain=gumboots).4 Campbell girls at the bay.
Cheesy soft focus shot (actually courtesy of Phoebe's fingerprint over the camera lens) of the decorating of the ENORMOUS;) Christmas tree.
Iris and Phoebe's favourite past-time (and favourite storyteller)
We went to Kate's house for her birthday brunch and the girls LOVED the 10(!!!) puppies currently resident there.

Phoebe is a voracious reader...
Iris sleeping, with a whole roll of nappy liners behind her and wipes hanging from the top bunk. What you can't see is that she'd also taken off the nappy she was wearing for her nap. No more nappies for this girl! She only wants to wear "big girl knickers".

Enjoying the sun and the water view from the rose garden.
Cats need hats too, you know.

Campbell child #3 update: we went for a scan yesterday and were pleased to find that all looks good with the in utero Campbell child. Heart, lungs, kidneys, stomach, bladder, spine etc all appear as they should and the baby is right on target for size. We've had lots of people ask if we're "going to find out". To put you out of your misery, yes, we did find out and it's a....

(drum roll please)

...nother GIRL!!!! Iris would like to name her Dorothy the Dinosuar. Phoebe seems a bit bemused by it all and just pats mum's tummy and says "baby!" Mum and Dad are thrilled to bits she's healthy and can't wait to meet her.